Online Course: Fundamentals for Lettering in Procreate

If you’re following any hand letterers on social media, you’ve probably seen the iPad app Procreate in action: intricate lettering designs, dimensional effects, and textured illustration, usually side by side with a timelapse video showing the artist’s whole creation process of the piece.

If you’re looking to up your game by lettering in Procreate and taking advantage of the powerful effects and tools it has to offer, start with this course!


Introducing: Fundamentals for Lettering in Procreate!

Procreate is a powerful app, but several of its features aren’t immediately obvious. After years of use, I’m still discovering new tricks and shortcuts that I wish I had known from the beginning!

To save others from doing things the hard way, I created an online course that teaches all my top tips for working in Procreate. In this course, you’ll master the quickest and easiest ways to create lettering, photo effects, and illustration.

The Procreate app for the iPad has changed the game when it comes to creating high quality, professional level lettering easily and without much formal training.

Get started learning the ropes today with Fundamentals for Lettering in Procreate on Skillshare! Use the button below to get free access to the course:


Learn by doing.

Fundamentals for Lettering in Procreate has 14 videos that walk you through how to use the essential tools in Procreate, all within the context of creating a full lettering composition.

By learning about these tools and techniques in the context of a project, you’ll know how to apply what you’re learning immediately, and cement those skills and knowledge for future projects too.

With almost 2 hours of content to explore, you can take the course at your own pace, skipping over parts you may already know, and rewatching steps that are new to you as you create the course project.

When you’re done, you’ll walk away with:

  • 2 new Procreate brushes

  • a color palette

  • a professional quality lettering composition ready to share on social media so you can start building your following as a digital lettering artist!

  • the know-how needed to create additional projects in Procreate as you improve your skills and make more gorgeous art

Want to get started? Sign up for the course on Skillshare and get 2 free weeks to take this course, plus tons of others on creative skills and technology!


Explore all online courses on lettering

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