online courses

Learn hand lettering with detailed explanations, video walkthroughs, interactive tutorials, and practice worksheets in Unfettered Letters’ online courses.


Kickstart Your Lettering

Perfect for beginners and self-taught letterers who need a refresher on typographic fundamentals. You'll walk away from this course able to create real lettering pieces—and know the exact next steps you need to take to grow your skills further.


Adding Texture & Illustration to Lettering

Transform your hand lettering using a variety of texture and illustration techniques in Procreate. You’ll learn how to create gorgeous, eye-catching works of art that are sure to grow your audience.


Fundamentals of Lettering in Procreate

New to Procreate lettering? Start here! Create a lettering project in Procreate on the iPad, learning all the major features of the app along the way.

Get 2 free weeks of Skillshare when you enroll in the course, along with a FREE Procreate brushset courtesy of Quiver Supply Co.!